Fairy Tale in Lviv Opera Theatre

On September 11, 2016, at the invitation of the General Director of Lviv National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet named after S. Krushelnytska Eder Tadei, the pupils of 2-4 forms of Lviv specialised school watched the musical fairy tale “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”.

The children and the adults were impressed by glorious music, choreography, magic stage scenery and special effects, and brilliant characters!

Having watched the show, the children shared their impressions, were in a great mood and had happy smiles on their faces.

All-Ukrainian Public Organization of Handicapped “Advocacy Association of Disabled” expresses a deep gratitude to Mr. Eder Tadei for the provided opportunity to present the children with disabilities with a good mood, joy and cultural education of our young generation.

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