Kyiv children with special needs have been granted tickets for Jamala’s recital

May 23, 2016, Kyiv children with special needs attended the concert of Jamala (People’s Artist of Ukraine Susana Jamaladinova), who won the 61st Eurovision Song Contest held in the Swedish capital Stockholm.

The concert of Jamala took place in the National Palace of Arts “Ukraine” in Kyiv.

Being Jamala’s ardent fans the children with special needs were unexpectedly surprised to attend her solo concert in person. Previously the Kyiv children with special needs have repeatedly approached us about the possibility of visiting events involving their favourite singer Jamala. We believe that the recital of Jamala they attended has inspired her young fans to further develop personal creativity, has given them strength, faith and inspiration for brand-new cultural and life achievements.

We are grateful to the organizers of the concert of Jamala namely company “Quarter-Concert” that always helps children with disabilities and cooperates with the Organisation within the Program targeting adaptation and integration of children with special needs.

These joint activities are a very motivating factor for children with special needs, they bring these kids closer to the creativity, make it possible to develop their confidence in the creative direction and strive for new heights.

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From Концерт Джамали. Posted by Правозахисна спілка інвалідів on 5/28/2016 (3 items)

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