“My spirits rise” (Maksym, 9 years)

Hello everybody.

I am Maksym and I am 9. I live in Ladyzhyn, Vinnytska region. All my life I am so much interested in various animals. I am fond of horses best of all. When I am by their side or go horse riding, It seems to me that we understand each other as if I know their language and vice versa once two weeks. Every time I go to the ranch, my spirits rise, it is a great occasions for me to be there.

Before meeting with my pets, I prepare carefully and take some delicious food with me for them. After walking we are allowed to treat and pet, them very gently. I have been riding horses for almost a year regardless of the weather. I am very glad to be able to see them. My future dream is to go on riding and working at a racecourse or a ranch to be close to them. Perhaps I become a vet and I will help various animals, but I haven’t decided yet. Besides, I want to share my personal mind with you that I feel as if I am a regular lusty man meeting and riding horses every time, as it were, I walk better and I actually fly. My friends go riding horses too. They like to spend a good time with them.

As I know, that chance was given me and my friends by the two excellent organizations in common:  “Human Rights Community of Disabled Persons” and “Green Meadow”. I thank them a sound health, joy and every success and happiness.

Our organization “Human Rights Community of Disabled Persons” in common with “Green Meadow” goes on with this project of the hippo-therapy in the regions of Ukraine. Owing to it, children have opportunities to build up their health riding horses and spending their time in the open air in different sides of Ukraine. We thank all not indifferent who got involved and will join to such and useful project. It is very important for us that most children with disabilities should feel happy and become fully fledged people. Most of them have positive moving forces and trends keeping in touch with animals. We want to obtain good results to improve the state of their health and psycho-emotional relief. We understand that we cannot interrupt it, but we must make every effort to give a chance to this project to be continued.

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