Children with special needs from Kyiv visited performance in National Academic Drama Theater of Ivan Franko “Mother said no”

On 24th of April on the feast day of St. Palm Sunday, pupils of Kyiv boarding schools for children with special needs with support of Ukrainian public organization of handicapped “Advocacy Association of Disabled” and leadership of National Academic Drama Theater of Ivan Franko, had an opportunity to visit wonderful play for children “Mother said no”, where music background was written by the people’s artist of Ukraine Mariia Burmaka. Children will remember this creative play, high-level skills, perfect actors’ play, bright costumes and professional, unusual music background. It will become creative impetus in realization of children’s creative ideas. Kids liked the play very much and showed the desire to visit theatre performances more often.

We sincerely thank the leadership of National Academic Drama Theater of Ivan Franko for the given opportunity to visit performances with special needs, among them there are orphans and children from large families. Such common efforts in arrangement cultural development of children with special needs are very important and necessary. Children have a gust of everything, that happens around them and art is barely the only way for them of self-realization and development. We try to show the society, that physical, mental and cultural development of such children are very important, these kids are an integral part of our society. In future, becoming adult citizens of our country, these kids are harmonious, creative, important and active persons of our society. Developing them today – we develop ourselves. Our organization puts an emphasis on barrier-free, tolerance of our citizens concerning all its members. It focuses on support of development children with special needs, as the smallest, weakest and vulnerable members of our society. Welfare, that is given by the nature, society and the system must be available to everyone irrespective physical , cultural development and outlook.

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