Young volunteers from Ladyzhyn town Vinnytsia region support children with special needs

Vinnytsia’s center of Ukrainian public organization of handicapped “Advocacy Association of Handicapped” in association with urban environmental organization of Ladyzhyn GO “For clean environment” arranged and conducted the track of excursions and rest to the local equestrian club for young people, who study in educational institutions of Ladyzhyn town Vinnytsia region together with handicapped children.

Children had a great opportunity to get acquainted with wildlife, ride and feed the animals, to listen attentively how to take care of them, to listen about the importance of people’s communication with them and usefulness of horse riding for people, who have problems with health, also, children listened about the benefits of emotional discharge.

It was also offered, by consent and desire of young people, to attend the equestrian club at a convenient time, to take part in events, held in the territory of equestrian club, for rehabilitation of children with special needs, such as hippotherapy, and animal care. Young people had a positive reaction and showed a desire to be volunteers and help to take care of children with special needs in any events. We are very pleased, that young people are receptive to children with special needs. We’re happy to admit, that today’s youth is not indifferent and tolerant to disabled people, takes active part helping to organize their rest time, rehabilitation and just communicates with them.

We would like to notice, that today’s youth of Vinnytsia takes active and regular part in common events, that are focused on the help to children with special needs. Young people realize, that not only help is important, but also love and attention, which they bring to children with special needs.

The program of our organization is focused on the inclusive society and tolerance for disabled persons.


From Ладижин, квітень 2016 р.. Posted by Правозахисна спілка інвалідів on 4/26/2016 (41 items)

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